Alas poor Yorrick, he was delicious, Horatio. (This is a chocolate skull. I haven’t been able to bring myself to eat it yet.)
This creepy puppet lives with me. I found him in a charity shop and felt compelled to buy him. Sometimes he whispers at night.
I love dummies and things that seem eerily almost human, but not quite. I bought the bonnet when I was at Chawton House doing an event.
A ladder for fairies , probably
This is a wig for a mummy, in a London museum. So curly. So unsettling.
I found these wings in Mexico City and briefly became an avenging angel.
These rats in my local park inspired the Dragon Masters in The Monster in the Lake. Feel a bit bad about making them evil though. They’re very sweet, I think, the park rats.
I end up with a lot of dead technology knocking around my house, so I decided to make scupltures out of them. A shrine to the gods of technology that is dead and gone. Including my landline.