Contact me

To send me a message, use the form below. If you're under 18, please get an adult to email me for you from their address. Unfortunately I can't reply personally otherwise. I love hearing from my readers though so please do get a parent, guardian, teacher or other trusted adult to message me for you!

If you'd like to send a physical letter or a drawing, please post via Molly Ker Hawn. (I absolutely love letters, that is absolutely a hint.)

The Bent Agency,
Greyhound House,
23/24 George Street,

For rights enquiries, contact Molly Ker Hawn at The Bent Agency.

For events and general enquiries click to email me

PR enquiries for Loki: A Bad God’s Guide, contact

PR enquiries for Otherland or The Dragon in the Library series, contact

Every month I send out my newsletter , full of exclusive content, from jokes to insights into my process, doodles, hints about future books, and the occasional message from Loki himself. If you'd like to receive it, sign up here.


My tweets are aimed at grown ups but I do try not to swear unless it’s absolutely necessary, such as when I'm mildly cheesed off.


I’m also on Instagram. Mostly pictures of my local cemetery, my dog and my doodles.