I write books about magic, gods and monsters (mostly).

I wouldn’t rule out writing about spaceships or murders or spies, either. The only books I promise not to write are ones about people sitting around talking about their feelings.

A few of my favourite books as a child were Lord of the Rings, Just William, a space epic called Halo Jones and a book about a vegetarian vampire called Vlad the Drac. I love comics of all kinds and fact books about space and the environment.

I used to write fact books, but honestly it’s a lot of work, so I’ve just let the truth slide and I make things up now. You get complaint letters if you say Jupiter has the wrong number of moons in a fact book, which really isn’t fair, because they keep discovering new moons, the cheats.

I live in London with my wife, our dog Buffy and a creepy puppet who has no name.

My literary agent is Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent Agency.

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 Buffy sometimes likes to dress up - here are some of her favourite costumes: